Sunday, June 27, 2010

Inspiration Sunday

It's been quite a nice, lazy, blog-hopping, inspiring Sunday!

A different kind of light painting!! Something I miss doing!

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The Art of Jim Denevan, a large-scale "illustrator," if you could say so.
Much bigger than a pen and paper!
And I am completely amazed by how his "drawings" are so perfectly shaped!!

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Nella Mia Città Nessuno è Straniero (In My Town, Nobody Is a Stranger)
A community-empowerment campaign by Happycentro,
an Italian design firm whose website I came across today.
What I love about it most (and what I very rarely see from other design sites)
is that it sometimes features behind-the-scenes from its projects, such as this one.

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From even the first step of conceptualization, when ideas were merely written on paper,
until the campaign's actualization!

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Some fashion and embellishment inspiration from (top to bottom):
How I love accessories, beading, layering, details, and mixing and matching!

And lastly! Just to cap off a post about influences...
It's Arguable Whether I Had Any in the First Place
"It's Arguable Whether I Had Any in the First Place" by Lucia. . .
The artist's lament, perhaps? I know this thought has entered my head
and stayed there for more times than one.

Happy weekend everyone!!

1 comment:

Karen said...

I love the alphabet!! You see human alphabets all the time but it's pretty cool to see one executed that way. :)